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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Low Price FiproGuard Flea & Tick For Dogs 89 - 132 lbs

FiproGuard Flea & Tick For Dogs 89 - 132 lbs

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 07, 2011 04:45:06 Check Update

FiproGuard Flea & Tick For Dogs 89 - 132 lbs Overview

FiproGuard is a fast-acting topical treatment that protects dogs from fleas, ticks and chewing lice. It is specifically formulated with Fipronil, which is the active ingredient used in Frontline. FiproGuard controls and kills mites that can cause sarcoptic mange, deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease, brown dog ticks, American dog ticks and lone star ticks. Each long-lasting, waterproof squeeze-on protects for up to 30 days and can be used on dogs breeding, pregnant and lactating. Use on puppies over 8 weeks of age. 3 applications.
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Check Out FiproGuard Flea & Tick For Dogs 89 - 132 lbs

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